2024-2025 M3/M4 Course Syllabi
Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery
14 01 16
The clerkship provides learning in the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and management of common disorders related to the head and neck.
There are no special requirements. Students who have taken the Otolaryngology Selective specialty clerkship during their third year will probably integrate into the rotation more easily, but that is not required and often not possible for visiting students from medical colleges without an Otolaryngology service.
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Honors/High Pass/Pass/Fail
4 wks
Reena Dhanda-Patil, MD
MSB, 6312
Angie Keith
MSB, 6413
CCHMC - Cincinnati Children's Hospital
University of Cincinnati Medical Center
West Chester Medical Center
Rotation Dates Max
1 05/06/2024 - 05/31/2024 0
2 06/03/2024 - 06/28/2024 0
3 07/01/2024 - 07/26/2024 6
4 07/29/2024 - 08/23/2024 6
5 08/26/2024 - 09/20/2024 6
6 09/23/2024 - 10/18/2024 6
7 10/21/2024 - 11/15/2024 3
8 11/18/2024 - 12/13/2024 2
9 12/16/2024 - 01/10/2025 0
10 01/13/2025 - 02/07/2025 0
11 02/10/2025 - 03/07/2025 0
12 03/10/2025 - 04/04/2025 0
13 04/07/2025 - 05/02/2025 0

NOTE: If a rotation is offered in both 2 and 4 week slots, the max capacity is limited to the actual spots offered for the 4 weeks. (ie: the 2 week rotations listed share the max of the 4 week rotation)
7:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Monday-Friday, one weekday (night float) and one 24-hour weekend overnight call
Contact Chief Resident of assigned service to determine where to meet your team.


  • Case-Based Instruction/Learning
  • Clinical Experience - Ambulatory
  • Clinical Experience - Inpatient
  • Clinical Experience - Inpatient (Nights)
  • Conference
  • Demonstration (description, performance, or explanation of a process, illustrated by examples, observable action, specimens, etc)
  • Independent Learning (Instructor-guided learning activities to be performed by the learner outside of formal educational settings.)
  • Patient Presentation--Faculty
  • Patient Presentation--Learner
  • Research
  • Simulation
  • Team-Based Learning (TBL) (Workshops, sessions, or activities contributing to the development of teamwork skills)
UCCOM strives to provide medical students with a learning environment that is conducive to their professional growth. All UCCOM and visiting medical students are encouraged to review the Student Handbook.

The Office of Student Affairs and Admissions is available to all UCCOM and visiting medical students to discuss any concerns/questions related to the learning environment. Please call 558-6796 to access faculty/staff that can assist you.
30% Attending Physician
35% Senior Resident
25% Junior Resident
10% Other Allied Health Professional(s)
Students are assesed based on their participation in morning rounds, clinical, and OR settings in the ENT department. A medical presentation on an ENT topic of the student's choice and presenting at Grand Rounds. A final paper on a separate ENT topic of 4-5 pages double spaced, including cites.

A collective evaluation of selected faculty/residents is completed utilizing the UC COM evaluation  form. The collective evaluation ratings and commentary is used to create the official evaluation and grade.

Clinical Performance Rating/Checklist
Oral Patient Presentation
Practical (Lab)
GRADE ASSIGNED BY: Course director


Curricular Resources :
  • Students are loaned a clinical reference guide handbook to diseases of the ear, nose, and throat entitled A Pocket Guide to the Ear and also a book entitled Primary Care Otolaryngology, (only if a copy was not received in the M3 rotation). Copies may be obtained from Angie Keith, Medical Student Program Administrator, Room MSB-6413, (513.558.5310). Grades will be withheld if books are not returned in good condition at the end of the rotation.
  • Additional readings will be provided, according to student's interest and ability.
  • Syllabus, rotation schedule, and other material is emailed UC COM official school email account. Visiting students are contacted via the email address provided in VSLO.
  • Please email ERAS request for letters of recommendation to Angie Keith @ keithae@ucmail.uc.edu and include your CV, personal statement, USMLE scores, and transcript (unofficial/official). Allow two weeks for processing letters of recommendation, including a  chair letter of recommendation.

Instructional Methods:
  6 hrs  Clinical Experience - Ambulatory
10 hrs  Ward Rounds 
  6 hrs  Clinical Experience- Inpatient
  2 hrs  Independent Learning (Library/Independant Study Time)
  4 hrs  Lecture, conferences, & Team-Based Learning (TBL)
  3 hrs  Simulation
20 hrs  Case-Based Instruction/Learning (Surgery in the operating room)
51 hrs total 
1. Understand fundamental anatomy, physiology and pathology of the head and neck.
2. Develop a differential diagnosis and management plan of common diseases affecting the ear, nose, and throat.
3. Use library and computer resources to identify appropriate information for understanding operative procedures prior to the surgery, for clinical knowledge of common diseases of the ear, nose, and throat, and for their presentation to the chief resident and honors paper.
4. Use simulation to gain exposure/practice of several common otolaryngology procedures: 
  1. Identify the relevant anatomy involved in flexible laryngoscopy
    1. Nasal cavity, turbinates     
    2. Nasopharynx, Eustachian tube, Adenoid Pad
    3. Oropharynx Structures
    4. Hypopharynx, including pyriform sinuses and postcricoid area
    5. Glottis, including true and false cords, subglottis
  2. Review flexible bronchoscope/NP scope and Flexible laryngoscopy
    1. Understand the components needed to setup the scope
    2. Become familiar with proper technique used to pass scope and visualize the larynx
  3. Define indications for rigid bronchoscopy
           a. Diagnostic - hemoptysis, mass lesion, transbronchial biopsy, evaluate stenosis
           b. Therapeutic - FB removal, suction of inspissated mucos, BAL, resection/dilation of lesion   
  4. Discuss the components of the rigid bronchoscope and its use
  5. Become familiar with operating a microscope and its use in ear examination/surgery
  6. Understand steps of myringotomy/tube placement
Main Course Topics :
1. Head and neck neoplasms
2. Deafness
3. Vertigo and other balance disorders
4. Infection
5. Head and neck trauma
6.  Facial plastic surgery
7. Head and Neck Reconstruction
8.  Airway management and voice disorders
Demonstrate skills pertaining to the examination and management of head and neck problems including:

a. Appropriate evaluation of the head and neck, including direct laryngeal and microscopic otoscopy.
b. Endotracheal intubation, tracheostomy, cricothyrotomy, simple foreign body removal from the external auditory canal and management of simple facial lacerations.  
c. Responsibility provided to students commensurate with their background knowledge  and preparedness, with emphasis placed on developing basic clinical acumen in the head and neck.
Remediation Plan:
 Students are given self-directed assignments as designated by the program director.



Your day will begin with rounds in the morning, followed by time in the OR or clinic/office setting. 

Wednesday, 7:00am - 8:00am, is Otolaryngology Grand Rounds for everyone.

Wednesday, 8:00 am - 9:30am is the resident lecture series - all medical students on rotation will attend.  

Medical students are required to take call twice. Calls are in-house and the call schedule dates are arranged with the resident team once the rotation begins.

  1. One weekend, 24-hour call scheduled either on a Friday or Saturday. The student will have the next day off e.g., Saturday or Sunday.
  2. One weekday overnight call (night float) scheduled during the week on a day that the student is not rotating at the VA the following day as the student is scheduled off the day after night float call ends.
Students are paired with a faculty preceptor during one week of the four-week rotation and will follow the preceptor in their clinic and OR. The intent of the preceoptship is to connect students with faculty and attend their clinics/OR. Faculty preceptors may also help answer student questions about ENT, residency programs and the match. Students will receive their schedule preceptor week prior to the start of the rotation, including faculty contact information. Students will email the faculty precpetor to introduce theirself prior to begining their assigned week. 

During the four week rotation, students are collectively scheduled for a 30-mintue meet and greet with H.B. Broidy Professor and Department Chair, David Steward, MD. See the schedule and calendar invitation sent to your UC email or for visiting students their VSLO email.

An oral presentation is scheduled the last Wednesday of week four. Students will prepare a 5-7 minute PPT presenstation on an ENT topic of their choice. The presenentation must be emailed to Kris Loughran at loughrke@ucmail.uc.edu by the fourth Monday of the rotation by 5:00PM. All presentations are grouped into one presentation. Students should prepare for a brief Q&A after their presentation. Professional dress is required.

Students write a final paper of 4-5 pages plus cites on an ENT topic of their choice separate from the presentation topic. The final paper is due by 5:00pm on the last date of the four-week rotation.

A sample week schedule is not provided as it changes from day to day and can involve any combination of rounds, inpatient consults, outpatient clinics and OR time.



Session Attendance for M4 Students

  • Students may miss no more than two days of planned excused absences on a four week rotation without being required to make-up the work, at the discretion of the clerkship/elective/course director or his/her designee.
  • Non-AI Rotations - Per the Student Duty Hours Policy, an average of one day (24 hours) in every seven must be free of clinical responsibilities (including seminars, clinic, rounds, lectures) averaged over a four week period. These days off are assigned by the clerkship director to best align with the site schedule. Students may request to schedule 1 or more of these 4 days for planned absences that fall under 1 of the categories listed below for excused absences during non-AI rotations, in consultation with the course/elective director, who may or may not approve such planned absences.
  • AI Rotations - Per the Student Duty Hours Policy, an average of one day (24 hours) in every seven must be free of clinical responsibilities (including seminars, clinic, rounds, lectures) averaged over a four week period. These days off are assigned by the course director to best align with the site schedule. Students may request to schedule 1 or 2 of these days for planned absences that fall under 1 of the categories listed below for excused absences during AI rotations, in consultation with the course director, who may or may not approve such planned absences. Students must avoid scheduling Step 2 examinations during an Acting Internship.
  • Excused Absences - The following will be considered excused absences:
    • Diagnostic, preventative, and therapeutic health services (e.g. doctor appointments, physical therapy, counselling, etc).
    • Personal illness, accident or a major catastrophic event
    • Death or serious illness of immediate family members. Immediate family members, as defined by UC, are Grandparents, Brother, Sister, Brother-in law, Sister-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Son-in-law, Father, Mother, Mother-in-law, Father-in-law, Step-sister, Step-brother, Step-mother, Step-father, Spouse or domestic partner, Child, Grandchild, legal Guardian or other person who stands in place of parent (in Loco Parentis)
  • Whenever possible, planned absences should be requested a minimum of six weeks in advance of the start of the clerkship/elective/course in which the absence will occur; this enables the clerkship/course/elective to help plan for educational event scheduling (e.g. a known appointment could be scheduled around with enough notice and the student might not have any required coursework to make up). Absences requested less than 1 week prior to the planned absence may not be considered for a possible excused absence unless extenuating circumstances prevented the student from providing timely notification per the policy. Students should first submit their request for a planned absence to the clerkship/elective/course director using the online MSSF. All planned/excused absences for any reason should be documented on the MSSF.
  • The COM abides by the UC Religious Observance Policy that respects the religious diversity of its students by providing opportunities, where possible, for accommodation in cases where conflicts exist between students’ religious beliefs/practices and educational activities. In clinical settings, such accommodations must honor the primacy of a commitment to patient care and avoid unduly burdening faculty, staff and the general student population involved in the affected educational and/or patient care activity.
  • The following items are explained in detail in the Medical Student Handbook:
    • Excused/unexcused/unplanned absence, religious holidays, jury duty, and make-up work

See Attendance and Absences Policy, Religious Observance Policy, Medical Student Handbook.

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