2024-2025 M3/M4 Course Syllabi
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
15 01 36
The student, paired with a surgical pathology resident, will assist with gross and microscopic examination of biopsy and surgically resected specimens, including frozen section examinations. Supervision is by a pathologist assistant (PA), resident, or attending surgical pathologist.
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Honors/High Pass/Pass/Fail
2 wks
Rachel Jug
LMB, 4051
Lindsay Stover
LMB, 4067
Laboratory Medicine Building
Rotation Dates Max
4 07/29/2024 - 08/09/2024 2
4 08/12/2024 - 08/23/2024 2
5 08/26/2024 - 09/06/2024 2
5 09/09/2024 - 09/20/2024 2
6 09/23/2024 - 10/04/2024 2
6 10/07/2024 - 10/18/2024 2
7 10/21/2024 - 11/01/2024 2
7 11/04/2024 - 11/15/2024 2
10 01/13/2025 - 01/24/2025 2
10 01/27/2025 - 02/07/2025 2
12 03/10/2025 - 03/21/2025 1
12 03/24/2025 - 04/04/2025 1
13 04/07/2025 - 04/18/2025 3
13 04/21/2025 - 05/02/2025 3

NOTE: If a rotation is offered in both 2 and 4 week slots, the max capacity is limited to the actual spots offered for the 4 weeks. (ie: the 2 week rotations listed share the max of the 4 week rotation)
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday
Report to the Lab Medicine Building Suite 110, a detailed scheduled will be sent prior to the beginning of this rotation. To find the lab: If you walk into the front of the hospital, go to the big staircase on the right. Once you walk up to the top turn right and walk straight back passing elevators go until you reach a dead end and 2 doors on the right. That’s pathology. The second door on the right is open and once you get inside the front desk will guide you.


  • Case-Based Instruction/Learning
  • Conference
  • Demonstration (description, performance, or explanation of a process, illustrated by examples, observable action, specimens, etc)
  • Discussion-Small Group (Small Group (=12)
  • Independent Learning (Instructor-guided learning activities to be performed by the learner outside of formal educational settings.)
  • Laboratory
  • Lecture
  • Mentorship
  • Patient Presentation--Faculty
  • Reflection
  • Research
  • Self-Directed Learning (Learners take initiative for their own learning; diagnosing needs; formulating goals; identifying resources; implementing appropriate activities; and evaluating outcomes.)
UCCOM strives to provide medical students with a learning environment that is conducive to their professional growth. All UCCOM and visiting medical students are encouraged to review the Student Handbook.

The Office of Student Affairs and Admissions is available to all UCCOM and visiting medical students to discuss any concerns/questions related to the learning environment. Please call 558-6796 to access faculty/staff that can assist you.
70% Attending Physician
30% Senior Resident
Evaluation is based on aggregate of opinions from pathologist, residents, and staff, in addition to evaluation of their clinical presentation.

Clinical Performance Rating/Checklist
Multisource Assessment (a formal assessment of performance by supervisors, peers, patients, and coworkers)
Oral Patient Presentation
GRADE ASSIGNED BY: Course director


Curricular Resources :

  1.      Rosai J:  Ackerman's Surgical Pathology, 8th ed.
  2.      Sternberg S:  Diagnostic Surgical Pathology, 3rd ed.


  1.      American Journal of Surgical Pathology
  2.      Human Pathology
  3.      American Journal of Clinical Pathology
  4.      Modern Pathology
Instructional Methods:
  • Learning activities/Instructional Methods:
  • Case-Based Instruction/Learning
  • Conference
  • Demonstration
  • Discussion-Small Group (Small Group (=12)
  • Independent Learning
  • Laboratory
  • Lecture
  • Mentorship
  • Reflection
  • Research
  • Self-Directed Learning
  • Assessment Methods:
  • Clinical Documentation Review
  • Participation
  1. Learn the day-to-day activities of a pathology resident and surgical pathologist by participating in the acquisition, gross description, dissection and microscopic study of surgical and biopsy specimens submitted to the laboratory.
  2. Learn how to handle tissues for different purposes, such as frozen diagnosis, lymphoma work and permanent examination.
  3. Learn the normal histology and basic pathology of common diseases.
  4. Learn the basic diagnostic use of special stains in differential diagnosis, and how they can be used in a cost effective manner.
  5. Learn the proper utilization and technique of immediate surgical pathology consultation, including frozen section examination.
  6. Learn how the surgical pathologist fulfills the role of consultant to other physicians by communicating with clinicians on individual cases, by reviewing charts and interviewing patients as indicated, and by participating in clinico-pathologic correlation and tumor board conferences.
  7. Choose an area (or areas) of special interest for in depth study, reviewing case material, studying teaching slide collections, becoming familiar with the standard textbooks and classic references in those areas; and using computerized search mechanisms (e.g. Medline) to find appropriate journal references.
  8. Demonstrate this new knowledge at an appropriate conference.
  9. Understand that the archival tissues, such as paraffin block can be used for molecular tests.
  10. Review the clinical pathologic features of some of the more common findings in surgical pathology.
  11. Show interest in patient’s welfare by contributing knowledge and concerns to the right diagnosis and know the appropriate recommendations ensuing from the diagnosis-risk/benefit ratio; cost-effective work-up, and ethical consideration.
Main Course Topics :
  •   Histopathology
  •   Surgical pathology
  •   Frozen section
  •   Tumor diagnosis, classification and staging
  1.   Describe, dissect and sample non-complex surgical pathology specimens.
  2.   Prepare a frozen section.
Remediation Plan:
  1. Oral presentation on a pathology case during case conference.
  2. Participation in signout with pathology attendings.



We will send a daily schedule prior to your rotation.

Please meet our Resident co-chief in the SP department located at main campus, Lab Medicine Building room 110 at 9am on the morning of your first day. Tell the front desk you are there to meet the co-chief resident. Our co-chief will greet you in the residents’ room and give you a tour and introduce you to the residents you will be working with. You may receive invites to conferences which you should attend for those weeks. On the first day of your rotation please reach out to Dr. Rachel Jug, MD to arrange a time she can talk with you about requirements for your presentation.

If any of you are interested in seeing an autopsy, we always have a resident on that service, and you are welcome to attend any autopsy cases that come in while you are rotating with us.  I recommend you go to at least one.  At some point in your career, you will likely have a family ask about having an autopsy done or to have you interpret an autopsy report for them.  Knowing what actually happens in the morgue will be of value to you when that time happens.

As far as departmental conferences go, I would ask that you attend morning conferences, except your first day (scheduled for 8:00-9:00), SP Case Conference (Thursdays 12:00-1:00) and Unknown Sessions (Fridays 12:00-1:00).  You can consider the other conferences as optional but highly recommended. 

On the Thursday of your last week, you will give a short (15-20 minute) case presentation as part of the SP Case Conference that week.  I would recommend asking either the faculty in charge of your rotation or the attending faculty during your first week if they have an interesting case that you could present so that you have plenty of time to prepare.  If the slides need to pulled, co chiefs can assist you with requesting them.  When you are ready, one of the residents will help you take pictures of the slides to use during your presentation.

Conferences on 4th floor meeting room:

  • Monday
    • Morning Didactic 8:00-9:00
  • Tuesday
    • Morning Didactic 8:00-9:00
    • MIDAS Review 1:00-2:00
    • Consensus Conference 3:00-4:00
  • Wednesday
    • Morning Didactic 8:00-9:00
  • Thursday
    • DLM Rounds 8:00-9:00
    • Micro Plate Rounds 9:30-10:00
    • SP Case Conference 12:00-1:00
    • Consensus Conference 3:00-4:00
  • Friday
    • Morning Didactic 8:00-9:00
    • Unknown Session 12:00-1:00



Session Attendance for M4 Students

  • Students may miss no more than two days of planned excused absences on a four week rotation without being required to make-up the work, at the discretion of the clerkship/elective/course director or his/her designee.
  • Non-AI Rotations - Per the Student Duty Hours Policy, an average of one day (24 hours) in every seven must be free of clinical responsibilities (including seminars, clinic, rounds, lectures) averaged over a four week period. These days off are assigned by the clerkship director to best align with the site schedule. Students may request to schedule 1 or more of these 4 days for planned absences that fall under 1 of the categories listed below for excused absences during non-AI rotations, in consultation with the course/elective director, who may or may not approve such planned absences.
  • AI Rotations - Per the Student Duty Hours Policy, an average of one day (24 hours) in every seven must be free of clinical responsibilities (including seminars, clinic, rounds, lectures) averaged over a four week period. These days off are assigned by the course director to best align with the site schedule. Students may request to schedule 1 or 2 of these days for planned absences that fall under 1 of the categories listed below for excused absences during AI rotations, in consultation with the course director, who may or may not approve such planned absences. Students must avoid scheduling Step 2 examinations during an Acting Internship.
  • Excused Absences - The following will be considered excused absences:
    • Diagnostic, preventative, and therapeutic health services (e.g. doctor appointments, physical therapy, counselling, etc).
    • Personal illness, accident or a major catastrophic event
    • Death or serious illness of immediate family members. Immediate family members, as defined by UC, are Grandparents, Brother, Sister, Brother-in law, Sister-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Son-in-law, Father, Mother, Mother-in-law, Father-in-law, Step-sister, Step-brother, Step-mother, Step-father, Spouse or domestic partner, Child, Grandchild, legal Guardian or other person who stands in place of parent (in Loco Parentis)
  • Whenever possible, planned absences should be requested a minimum of six weeks in advance of the start of the clerkship/elective/course in which the absence will occur; this enables the clerkship/course/elective to help plan for educational event scheduling (e.g. a known appointment could be scheduled around with enough notice and the student might not have any required coursework to make up). Absences requested less than 1 week prior to the planned absence may not be considered for a possible excused absence unless extenuating circumstances prevented the student from providing timely notification per the policy. Students should first submit their request for a planned absence to the clerkship/elective/course director using the online MSSF. All planned/excused absences for any reason should be documented on the MSSF.
  • The COM abides by the UC Religious Observance Policy that respects the religious diversity of its students by providing opportunities, where possible, for accommodation in cases where conflicts exist between students’ religious beliefs/practices and educational activities. In clinical settings, such accommodations must honor the primacy of a commitment to patient care and avoid unduly burdening faculty, staff and the general student population involved in the affected educational and/or patient care activity.
  • The following items are explained in detail in the Medical Student Handbook:
    • Excused/unexcused/unplanned absence, religious holidays, jury duty, and make-up work

See Attendance and Absences Policy, Religious Observance Policy, Medical Student Handbook.

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