2024-2025 M3/M4 Course Syllabi
Family & Community Medicine
06 04 01
Service and Advocacy Extended Elective
The goal of this extended elective is to provide students with an opportunity to build their skills engaging with and advocating for a healthier community through service. Through this experience, students will identify a community partner and mentor of interest, set a service goal with that community partner, and create a Service and Advocacy portfolio outcome that allows students to document, reflect upon and share scholarship of this elective.
 Third-year UCCOM student
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Part-Time    - Extended
- This will be an extended service elective over the course of the fourth year. Students may choose one of two paths for engaging with their community. This would be discussed with the Course Director when the student enrolls: - o 1) PATH 1: ? Utilize a two-week block for a two-week immersion with their community partner to learn more about the partner, provide direct service and identify a health advocacy issue the student will focus on for the year. This totals to 80 hours. This will be followed by a longitudinal service, project implementation, reflection and educational time that accumulates to 80 hours. o (2) PATH 2: ? For students that a two-week immersion with their community partner is not the best fit, students may choose to use all 160 hours longitudinally for service, project implementation, reflection and educational time. This accumulates to 160 hours. - The course needs to be completed by 4 weeks before graduation date of the M4 academic year.
H. Joseph Kiesler, MD
513 558 4021
MSB, 4110
Daniel Hargrave
513 558 6222
MSB, 4353D
As submitted and approved
Rotation Dates Max
1 05/06/2024 - 05/31/2024 0
2 06/03/2024 - 06/28/2024 0
3 07/01/2024 - 07/26/2024 0
4 07/29/2024 - 08/23/2024 0
5 08/26/2024 - 09/20/2024 0
6 09/23/2024 - 10/18/2024 0
7 10/21/2024 - 11/15/2024 0
8 11/18/2024 - 12/13/2024 0
9 12/16/2024 - 01/10/2025 0
10 01/13/2025 - 02/07/2025 0
11 02/10/2025 - 03/07/2025 0
12 03/10/2025 - 04/04/2025 0
13 04/07/2025 - 05/02/2025 11
Please check course length. Some PT courses may extend beyond the noted 4 week blocks above.
NOTE: If a rotation is offered in both 2 and 4 week slots, the max capacity is limited to the actual spots offered for the 4 weeks. (ie: the 2 week rotations listed share the max of the 4 week rotation)
See additional notes section below
Students will receive an email with detailed information prior to the elective
After students enroll in course, student's will be contacted to start initially identifying community partner and service / advocacy areas of interest.


  • Discussion-Small Group (Small Group (=12)
  • Lecture
  • Reflection
  • Self-Directed Learning (Learners take initiative for their own learning; diagnosing needs; formulating goals; identifying resources; implementing appropriate activities; and evaluating outcomes.)
  • Service Learning Activity
UCCOM strives to provide medical students with a learning environment that is conducive to their professional growth. All UCCOM and visiting medical students are encouraged to review the Student Handbook.

The Office of Student Affairs and Admissions is available to all UCCOM and visiting medical students to discuss any concerns/questions related to the learning environment. Please call 558-6796 to access faculty/staff that can assist you.
50% Attending Physician
25% Other Faculty
25% Community site leads

Students will keep a Service and Advocacy portfolio that will document their project scholarship and reflections over the course of the elective. 
Students will be assessed in the following domains:

  1. Critical reflections – P/F
  2. Community partner evaluation of communication and professionalism – P/F
  3. Self-evaluation of their communication, partnership and SKA – P/F
  4. Rubric for Advocacy and Service Portfolio – P/F
  5. Participation in group sessions – P/F

Narrative Assessment
Portfolio-Based Assessment


Curricular Resources :
 •Educational sessions will be planned as asynchronous learning modules, with optional group sessions offered in the evening.
–Topic areas include:
•Advocacy as a physician: working the media, letters to the Editor, working with legislature
•Establishing and assessing effective community partnerships
•501c3’s: What they are and how they are governed?
•The ethics of free clinics
•Community engaged scholarship
•Narrative medicine
Selected readings from academic public health journals, Websites: APHA, AMA, AAMC, AMSA
Instructional Methods:
 1.     Students will register for the course in their third year during Elective enrollment.
2.     Students can either apply with a community partner and/or theme area they want to explore through service in their 4th year.
3.     If student’s do not have a community partner or theme in mind, the course director will work with the students to identify one after they have signed-up.
4.     With the community partner, students will identify a Service and Advocacy project to explore and implement.
5.     Students have two service options for this elective:
a.     (1) Advocacy project option:
                                               i.     Identifying an issue to advocate for with their community partner at the local, state or national level through service – e.g. letters to the editor campaign, meetings with legislators, community councils, or community partner’s non-profit board; develop health policy briefs or community action campaigns.
b.     (2) Health project option:
                                               i.      Identifying a health issue to research, champion and/or implement with a community partner through service – e.g., learning more about a health issue in the community, providing health education to a population, conducting a QI project, exploring case studies/stories of a community, etc.6.     As part of the elective, students will complete an initial UCCOM Service Proposal that describes their partner and initial learning goals. This will identify the student and community partner’s project goals. Student’s will also identify a project mentor.
7.     The UCCOM Service Proposal is adapted from the application UCCOM Service organizations complete for UCCOM’s Service-Learning Advisory Council.
8.     The completed the UCCOM Service and Advocacy Application form will be reviewed by the Service-Learning Advisory Council for feedback. The Course Director will approve the Service and Advocacy project plans.
9.     Student’s will be provided with online lectures and articles via LEO. Optional in-person / Zoom educational sessions may also be scheduled in the evening throughout the year.  
10.  Students will document their work in a Service and Advocacy Portfolio. This will include their goals, methods, resources, results, and critical reflections. Narrative and photo reflection methods will be used to capture the student’s learning.  The portfolio will also be used to document their time spent with the community, educational modules and project implementation.
  1. Identify and establish an effective community partnership.
  2. Explain how community-engagement strategies may be used to improve the health of communities and to contribute to health equity.
  3. Identify community assets and resources to improve the health of individuals and populations.
  4. Discuss the pros and cons of non-profits / free clinics serving vulnerable populations.
  5. Participate in health improvement strategies through Service-Learning and health advocacy.
  6. Explore reflection in the development of the physician identity through service and advocacy.
  7. Examine the skills and role of the physician in advocating for improved health outcomes for a community.
Main Course Topics :
  • Advocacy, Service-Learning,
  • Community Health,
  • Population Health,
  • Health Equity,
  • Reflection
Remediation Plan:
Students that fail will need to meet with the Course Director to review the components they failed. Students will need to re-submit any failed items for remediation grading by two-week’s prior to graduation.



 ·      This will be a combination of project planning, research, direct service time with the community partner and community, reflection exercises, meeting with the course director for planning/feedback and coursework.

·      Time of day with the community will vary with the community partner based on needs of that partner. Student and partner will discuss and document in their initial UCCOM Service and Advocacy Application. Some hours may need to be after the 8-5 PM M-F weekly schedule so that a student can fit the hours in with their other rotations. 

·      53% Service, 20% Educational sessions, 27% Project planning and implementation - Expected time breakdown, but may vary based on student and service project. 



PATH 1:  Students use a 2-week block for Service then 80 HOURS.

·      They could arrange this during their 12 weeks of FLEX TIME and or “swap” time with a 2-week elective and choose to place that elective in the last four weeks of the year when scheduling.

·      The other 80 hours would follow longitudinally.



Week 1 and 2- TOTAL 80 Hours

o   24 hours of service with community partner/week

o   8 hours of reading, online modules, group education sessions, reflection/week

o   8 hours of project planning and implementation/week



Other 9 months: 80 Hours

o   4 hours of service

o   2 hours of reading, online modules, group education sessions, reflection

o   3 hours of project planning and implementation



PATH 2: 160 Hours spread out over fourth year

o   10 months

§  8 hours of service with community partner

§  3.5 hours of reading, online modules, group education sessions, reflection

§  4.5 hours of project planning and implementation



Session Attendance for M4 Students

  • Students may miss no more than two days of planned excused absences on a four week rotation without being required to make-up the work, at the discretion of the clerkship/elective/course director or his/her designee.
  • Non-AI Rotations - Per the Student Duty Hours Policy, an average of one day (24 hours) in every seven must be free of clinical responsibilities (including seminars, clinic, rounds, lectures) averaged over a four week period. These days off are assigned by the clerkship director to best align with the site schedule. Students may request to schedule 1 or more of these 4 days for planned absences that fall under 1 of the categories listed below for excused absences during non-AI rotations, in consultation with the course/elective director, who may or may not approve such planned absences.
  • AI Rotations - Per the Student Duty Hours Policy, an average of one day (24 hours) in every seven must be free of clinical responsibilities (including seminars, clinic, rounds, lectures) averaged over a four week period. These days off are assigned by the course director to best align with the site schedule. Students may request to schedule 1 or 2 of these days for planned absences that fall under 1 of the categories listed below for excused absences during AI rotations, in consultation with the course director, who may or may not approve such planned absences. Students must avoid scheduling Step 2 examinations during an Acting Internship.
  • Excused Absences - The following will be considered excused absences:
    • Diagnostic, preventative, and therapeutic health services (e.g. doctor appointments, physical therapy, counselling, etc).
    • Personal illness, accident or a major catastrophic event
    • Death or serious illness of immediate family members. Immediate family members, as defined by UC, are Grandparents, Brother, Sister, Brother-in law, Sister-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Son-in-law, Father, Mother, Mother-in-law, Father-in-law, Step-sister, Step-brother, Step-mother, Step-father, Spouse or domestic partner, Child, Grandchild, legal Guardian or other person who stands in place of parent (in Loco Parentis)
  • Whenever possible, planned absences should be requested a minimum of six weeks in advance of the start of the clerkship/elective/course in which the absence will occur; this enables the clerkship/course/elective to help plan for educational event scheduling (e.g. a known appointment could be scheduled around with enough notice and the student might not have any required coursework to make up). Absences requested less than 1 week prior to the planned absence may not be considered for a possible excused absence unless extenuating circumstances prevented the student from providing timely notification per the policy. Students should first submit their request for a planned absence to the clerkship/elective/course director using the online MSSF. All planned/excused absences for any reason should be documented on the MSSF.
  • The COM abides by the UC Religious Observance Policy that respects the religious diversity of its students by providing opportunities, where possible, for accommodation in cases where conflicts exist between students’ religious beliefs/practices and educational activities. In clinical settings, such accommodations must honor the primacy of a commitment to patient care and avoid unduly burdening faculty, staff and the general student population involved in the affected educational and/or patient care activity.
  • The following items are explained in detail in the Medical Student Handbook:
    • Excused/unexcused/unplanned absence, religious holidays, jury duty, and make-up work

See Attendance and Absences Policy, Religious Observance Policy, Medical Student Handbook.

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